A few years ago, on the recommendation of my mother, I began reading a wonderful novel called "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. I was pregnant with my 3rd child and I couldn't put this book down. I read it in two days - it was that good! Well, anyone who has young kids under five knows that reading is a rarity. The fact that I was even reading at all was exciting... much less that I was able to read this book in two days. This re-energized my desire to write a book (something I had prayed about off and on for many, many years) and I began to put some ideas to paper. However, I soon realized there was no way I could write a novel with two small children and a third on the way. I began to change my thinking and focus on a children's book - now that I thought I could do at this stage of my life. I mean, I read children's books every day - how hard could it be, right? Ha! I spent weeks, even months trying to formulate characters, plot, etc. and it all felt really forced and really fake.
This is when my little voice inside (my God whisper, as I call it) spoke up and told me to "Give it to God. Give your dream to God and He will deliver if and when the time is right." So, I listened and I began to pray daily for God to inspire me with a book topic and the words that would be true and right - not forced and fake. I prayed for nearly two years. I felt peace about it knowing that God would grant me my dream 1) if it was part of His plan for my life and 2) when it was the right time.
So, believe me when I tell you that I woke up one Saturday morning and I could see the words swirling around in my head. I could almost taste the plot because it was right there in my brain - so close to my mouth. My husband had taken the kids to breakfast so I immediately jumped on the computer and within 48 hours had written my entire book. It felt so good because I knew that it was a gift from God.
The last six months have been a whirlwind of researching publishing options, searching for an illustrator and finally illustrating it myself (another learning curve that God guided me through every step of the way), and finally sending it off to print.
I hope that this book blesses you in some way, as it already has blessed me and my family.
The book is due to be in hand in early April 2011.
The cost will be $12.95 and it is a hardback book.
I will post more book signing dates (we already have 4 in the works) as we know from the printer about when we can be sure to have the books in hand.
Thank you for your support!
Lisa Shoch